Billing / Insurance FAQ

Billing and insurance can often feel overwhelming. We are here to assist you in navigating this process. If you do not find the answer to your question below, please reach out to our Billing Team at 801-449-0017, and select option 2.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much will each visit/session cost me? I’m self-pay.

The first session is an evaluation for services and is $185. Recurring sessions after that initial appointment will be $165.

My insurance says that I have a “deductible.” What is that and how will it affect my sessions?

A medical insurance deductible is the amount of money you pay for covered health care services before your insurance plan starts to pay. Deductibles owed for services are calculated by your insurance; we wait to collect until after your insurance has completed processing your claims for accurate billing. We are unable to determine your deductible until AFTER your insurance has processed your claims; then we notify you with an accurate amount due for services. After you've met your deductible, you may still have to pay copayments or coinsurance. A copay is a set dollar amount you pay for a medical service, while coinsurance is a fixed percentage of a bill.

What is a co-pay or coinsurance?

A copay is a fixed amount you pay for medical services, while coinsurance is the percentage you pay after you've met your deductible.

What are your reduced insurance rates?

"Contracted reduced rates" on insurance refer to the discounted rates that an insurance company negotiates and agrees to pay healthcare providers, meaning the reduced rate is for the provider and not the client; the client pays their standard copay or coinsurance.

How much will each visit/session cost me? I have insurance.

Check your insurance card for a listed copay for either PCP, Specialist, or “Office.” Some have it directly on the card (there may be two amounts listed depending on if your insurance considers our office a “specialist” visit.) Because each insurance differs in how they classify our services, we will not collect your copay until your insurance has completed processing your claims. This helps prevent overcharging our clients.

What if I met my deductible?

Please keep in mind that we are NOT ABLE to track your deductible! If you receive a statement from your insurance notifying you that you have met your deductible, please let our billing department know as soon as possible so we can update your insurance information to reflect that.

I’m using insurance to pay for my sessions, but I currently have a balance , can you tell me why?

A balance owed while using insurance can occur due to some of these factors: 

Lapse in coverage. If you are switching insurance policies or providers, there may be a lapse in coverage. In this instance the client becomes responsible for paying the charges for the session (unless we can verify alternate insurance coverage for the dates of lapsed coverage). 

Policy termination. If your insurance plan is ending, please notify us as soon as possible. If you receive services but your coverage is no longer available, your claims will be denied and all charges will become the clients responsibility.

I received an invoice with “$0.00 owed” then another with an actual amount due. Why?

Our software will auto-generate invoices for the day's appointments each night to ensure that all services are prepared for billing. If your account does not have any insurance information or a copay/coinsurance set, then you will receive an initial “zero owed” invoice that was automatically generated by our software, then another invoice for the total owed for your session after insurance has processed your sessions and determined a billable amount.