7 Depression Symtoms to Watch Out For

Major depressive disorder is a serious mood condition that is debilitating, but determining depression symptoms is the first step toward recovery.

Sadness and grief are normal human emotions, but major depression is a diagnosable condition that is classified as a mood disorder. It is estimated that 16.2 million adults in the United States, or 6.7 percent of American adults, suffer from at least one major depressive episode each year. Understanding the common warning signs of depression is the first step to seeking proper treatment and healing.

Loss of Interest in Daily Activities

Depression can take the enjoyment out of things you normally love. A common symptom is feeling a loss of interest in things that you used to look forward to. This could include activities such as participating in hobbies, going out with friends, or playing sports. Your ability to feel joy and pleasure feels inhibited when you are suffering from depression.

Hopeless Outlook

Depression is a mood disorder that affects the way you feel about life as a whole. Another common symptom is having a general feeling of hopelessness or a helpless outlook on the future. You might also experience feelings of self-hate, excessive guilt, or worthlessness.

Changes in Sleep Habits

According to Medical News Today, a 2018 report showed that fatigue affects more than 90 percent of people with major depressive disorder. Potential causes of depression fatigue include:

  • Sleep problems

  • Diet changes

  • Stress

  • Medications

In addition to an overall feeling of being tired, depression can also manifest itself in other sleep problems such as insomnia, oversleeping, or obstructive sleep apnea.


While depression is not known to cause anxiety, the two conditions commonly occur together. Symptoms of anxiety include:

  • Racing thoughts

  • Difficulty concentrating

  • Uncontainable over-thinking

  • Feeling irritable

  • Sleep problems

  • Changes in appetite

  • Feelings of dread or panic

  • Heightened alertness

Increased Anger or Irritability

Major depressive disorder can affect your tolerance level. Feeling agitated, restless, short-tempered, impatient, or even violent are all common symptoms to watch out for.

Appetite and Weight Changes

It’s common for weight and appetite to fluctuate for people with depression. This experience differs between each person and can be associated with both weight gain and loss. Generally, these dietary changes are not intentional.

Problems Concentrating

Problems focusing, making decisions, or remembering things are all potential depression symptoms. Many people tend to dismiss these symptoms as they often don’t sound as troubling as some other indicators, but a loss of focus can be one of the most challenging aspects for many people.

Let Your Healing Begin with AspenTeletherapy

If you are experiencing any of these depression symptoms, seeking professional help is the first step to getting back to feeling like yourself again. The experienced therapists at AspenTeletherapy are all licensed in the state of Utah and are ready to give you the help you need.

We are proud to service all of Utah, including Bountiful, Salt Lake City, Lehi, Provo, Ogden, Logan, St. George, and everywhere in between. Reach out to get started on your path to healing today.


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